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Welcome to the age of fire..

.. Where the phoenix flies high
Back to the realm of glory, Beyond gates of light1

Because more than two years have passed since my last post, let’s get straight to all the stuff that happened in the meantime.

Good times came, bad times followed, but I never quit.
Why? Because I’m no pussy, whining and quitting problems — after all, THIS IS TROUBLEZONE.NET!! 8)

Seriously, since I’m a stem cell donor2 who already donated stem cells, there’s another human being on this planet who depends on me.
That said, there was no “big thinking” when a DKMS employee called me in September 2011, just a month before my first anniversary of being typed. She asked me, if I’d be still willing to donate to somebody who fell ill recently. Though, being restricted by law, she couldn’t provide any details about him/her nor the disease. But that didn’t affect my decision. I said to her: “I carefully read all the information when I chose to be typed. The choice I made back then is the one I’m going to keep throughout my whole life.”
She arranged everything, e.g. the preliminary examination, the hotel, the train tickets and everything one could think of. At any given time, there was a phone number and a person at the other end of the phone, I could call and ask. And they got answers. To each and any question.

Finally, on March, 29th the “donation day” was here. Everything went just fine3 and right now, he — who I named “Fin” because he will remain unknown to me forever due to Finish laws — seems to recover from his Hodgkin’s lymphoma very good. I hope he can fully recover and continue his life naturally, because from my point of view, being 21 should pretty much feel as if he’s “just starting”, but far away from “finishing”.

Regarding my beloved car, Eleanor, I have to state that she’s “dead”. But Excalibur4) is almost ready to step into this world. I’m going to write about her in my next post.

But right now, I’m in the pursuit of a more important goal: to finally get myself a job where I can truly enhance my developer knowledge — unfortunately, my current employer forgot his promise about that. Much like the previous one did.5

That’s it for now. More to come very soon.

Take care,
  1. Freedom Call — Age Of The Phoenix []
  2. Please see www.dkms.de/home/en/home.html for more. []
  3. Next month, I’m going to write a separate post about that. []
  4. Yes, I’m into King Arthur’s legend for some time now, so it seemed logical.. ; []
  5. Starts to look bad within my CV, huh? :-/ []
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