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Thoughts about life

Hey guys!

I apologize myself for the long time without any sign of life. But right now, times are very hard..1 :x

That said, my exams weren’t that good – in fact, they are almost a shame: it’s almost assured that I’ll fail at math and electronics.. Same thing will happen to me regarding digital technology.. :(

Also, I can confirm that there are bugs in my theme – but most of them are fixed2) :)

So give me some time to get things done: first of all my studies, either by the removal from the register of students and training as a “normal”3) software developer or by a changeover to a study course called “Medienproduktion”4

I promise to fix the remaining bugs and I’m going to do this quite soon, but I must awaken to what I really want to do in my life first.. – I can tell you that it’s more than just pain to see your life, the road you’ve walked so far, the road in front of you and then being at a loss.. :(
  1. And I’m wondering if I will ever stick it out. []
  2. At least they didn’t occur again after some changes.. ; []
  3. Software developers are normal people? Huh? ; []
  4. I couldn’t find a close match for this word in English, because something like “media production” doesn’t sound that good.. Anyway, it’s a study course with a bigger software part and less electronical stuff. []

Ladies And Gentlemen, …

.. TroubleZone.Net, bodily me, Martin Baranski, is very proud to announce the final release of “Firefox V21, a theme for WordPress 2.0!

After a long2) time of development, I finally finished all the code, fixed all the bugs3 and put that bunch of files into one ZIP-file4.
You can download this file by visiting its page, named “Firefox V2”.

So, that’s it — or did I miss something? Hum.. Oh, yes: ENJOY! :D

Best regards,
Martin.. :)
  1. Oh my goodness! This sounds like a trailer for a new Hollywood-movie! :o []
  2. And I do mean loooooooooong! ; []
  3. At least the ones I’ve found so far. :D []
  4. A GZIP-file is available, too. []
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