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A glorious ride, to become immortalized..

..As you sought you inner dreams and visions1

Just as promised in my last post and as my Xmas-gift for you guys, I’m proudly announcing the immediate availability of Firefox V2, version 2.5! :D

You can grab your copy by visiting its page: Firefox V2

The changelog in short:
— Fixed many bugs2..
— Dropped German version
— Added the sidebar to the single post-view
I hope you like my stuff, although WordPress’ new widget-system doesn’t fully work with this version3)..

Take care and merry Xmas to you all,
Martin.. :)
  1. Yes, the one and only HammerFall — Restless Soul []
  2. Including those calling plugins which some users might don’t have.. []
  3. I’m working on this and there’ll be another release in the near future.. ; []

(hits registered since march 3rd, 2006)
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