- Written by Martin.
- Posted on Saturday, December 15th, 2007 (16 years, 9 months ago)
- See Wikipedia [EN] for what happened also that day in history.
..Only visions of ice will remain
The fallen ones and forgotten souls
Will rise up over the slain
And to the battle on, forever standing strong
We feel the fire power of the night warriors
Guys, this is an absolutely rare situation for me..
First of all, I want to apologize myself for being too late with Firefox V2 releases — I do know that time for version 2.5 is gone since many, many weeks.. And I won’t try to explain why or how this delay happened as it doesn’t change the fact that I abandoned you, the Firefox V2 users..
Instead, I’m announcing that version 2.5 will be available until New Year’s Eve!
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- Written by Martin.
- Posted on Monday, October 30th, 2006 (17 years, 10 months ago)
- See Wikipedia [EN] for what happened also that day in history.
.. our quest carries on, far beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlight..
Well, here it is: Firefox V2, version 2.2
This time the main focus of the development was on extending the theme. That means more supported extensions, more useability and of course less bugs.. — From my point of view, these targets have been reached.
Though, there are a number of changes that you should know
before you upgrade your 2.1-theme:
- First of all, I had to drop the support for “Calendar”.
- Same goes for the support of the following plugins: Days Since Birth and Akismet Spam Count.
- But there are also plugins which are supported from now on: Gravatars and Subscribe To Comments.
- I also improved the support for the Footnotes-plugin (looks much better now).
- The footer got a total renewal: less text, less lines and better layout.
- Font sizes have been converted from the ex-unity to the px-unity (needed for correct letter-sizes)
- Starting with version 2.2, I’m going to offer 7-ZIP-files, too.
So, all in all, a new version with a lot of improvements and bug fixes and I hope you like it. Please leave a comment about your opinion regarding my theme — thanks!
Lastly, if you encounter any bug: feel free to drop me a line and I’ll do my very best to get it fixed!
- Written by Martin.
- Posted on Wednesday, July 12th, 2006 (18 years, 2 months ago)
- See Wikipedia [EN] for what happened also that day in history.
TroubleZone.Net, bodily me, Martin Baranski, is very proud to announce the final release of “
Firefox V2”, a theme for WordPress 2.0!
After a long) time of development, I finally finished all the code, fixed all the bugs and put that bunch of files into one ZIP-file.
You can download this file by visiting its page, named “
Firefox V2”.
So, that’s it — or did I miss something? Hum.. Oh, yes: ENJOY!
Best regards,